We place a heavy emphasis on assessment in order to understand your reality. Assessments allow us to operate from the reality of your situation because a lot of poker players do not approach playing this way. Many players have goals that do not match their abilities or their commitment. We focus on tracking, constantly assessing your game, and self-reflection in order to help you create achievable and realistic goals.
The way we teach is focused on systems and frameworks. The reason we are enthusiastic about frameworks is that poker can be an incredibly complex game. All of our customers have a different level of understanding, a different capacity to remember things or process information, and differing goals. When we give you a framework or system, we are able to develop something that works specifically for you. We are not teaching you which decisions are right or wrong, but rather how to systematically think about your hands in reference to your individual goals and abilities.
The entire School of Cards staff is committed to being brutally honest with our students because it’s important for us to establish a level of trust. We will always make sure that your questions are answered with integrity.
We place an emphasis on strategy over tactics. Too much poker material is focused on tactics. You learn very specific concepts like how to improve your 3-bet frequency or the GTO response to a very specific situation. These tactics are not going to be useful 99% of the time you’re playing. They focus on winning small battles instead of winning the war. In order to have long-term success at this game, you need to focus on the bigger picture and make sure that all your decisions fit into your plan and goals.
We are trying to make you a well-rounded poker player. There isn’t just one aspect to how this game should be played or taught. Different systems and strategies will be right for different players depending on their individual circumstances. We bring together math, discussion of strategy, community, psychology, behavior, etc. in order to provide you with the mix of content that will help you the most.
Getting to the higher levels of poker requires time and commitment. We help you cultivate the most effective path to your goals. Reaching your goals, no matter what they are, will not happen in a weekend or a few study sessions. There is a big difference between understanding and application, and by far application always takes an investment in time and continuous effort. You must be committed to putting in the work in order to succeed at poker.
Making decisions that revolve around data is another principle that allows us to be connected to our own reality. Everything you do on our platform is tracked so that we know which videos you watched, where you stopped, what content you completed or abandoned. We use this data to make our content better for you. We’ve gathered so much data over the past 10 years that we are now able to tailor our content to increase every student’s chances of success. We collect and interpret data in order to make a more powerful and enriching experience for you.
Our slogan is, "If you're not thinking, you're gambling." It means that we are striving to make decisions that over the long run are profitable and connected to our overall strategy. When players hear this concept, they think I mean that we don't make this strategic move or that one, and that's not really the idea. When we say that we never gamble it's because we're always looking to win the war, not just individual hands. There should always be a reason you're doing something, even if it's a wild play, you should have a game plan behind it that will help you in the long run.